Originally Posted by MikeReilly
Literally nothing you said is true. 250,138 votes in Detroit. 37% of the population.

In all of US history, there have only been 1200 deceased voters proven to exist.

There's no evidence of 3,000,000 illegal immigrants voting. Many millions of legal immigrants did vote, but legally, as they have become citizens.

You can't stop people from having gay marriages just like they can't force you to have one. Freedom of religion comes along with freedom from religion whether we like it or not.

Oh, you are right about one thing. This isn't the country you grew up with. In fact, it's never the country anyone grew up with because it changes all of the time. Whether we like it or not a lot of people voted for Biden. Who knows what will happen in four years. If he screws up, I suspect the pendulum swings back.

Why is this so hard for so many to grasp. It's just the way it is, and the way it will be. That part hasn't changed.