Ringman I AM hopeful, and I have not given up, but I also have personally seen communism in several other countries and I know the patterns they follow.

If they are not destroyed and forced to be in fear themselves they don't EVER give up, and Trump did NOTHING to destroy them or make them fearful in the last 4 years, so I am not encouraged he will in the next 4 years either, even if Biden is shown and proven in court to be eyeball deep in fraud.

The "left" knows they are at war. Most of the "right" seems to be too stupid to know it. Maybe most do know it, but are simply afraid.
Being ruled by fear doesn't make any part of the things you fear go away, but only allows it to grow. Saying that is untrue is not just cowardly, but stupid. I believe you understand that and very likely are not one that buries his head in the sand, , but if you look around you you will see what I wrote is 100% true. That's not pessimistic, but realistic.

Those that get ready and those that openly resist are not caught off guard. Those that denied the truth in history were those that were stripped of all their freedoms and often their lives. When we read about those forced to wear stars and other markers in Germany in 1936-1940 we also see the Government there told them and all the people it was for "the greater good"
Now it's covid masks, and cowards wear them because "it's easier". The mask is not at all for any public good, but to see how much leverage the population will accept.

Obviously they will accept nearly anything today. Masks. Communist pointed "presidents" Cops who do ANYTHING they are told to do. Schools that openly teach outright lies that go against your own eyes and ears and government that days you MUST accept lies about history gender, money, land use, health and truth.

"None is more hopelessly enslaved then those that falsely believe they are free"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without
bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not
too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with
all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case; you may have to fight when there is no
hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
Winston Churchill

"To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they
will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence". ...........Friedrich Nietzsche

Last edited by szihn; 11/23/20.