We got cucks on our side hollering defeat before the fight even really gets going, we got commies crowing that it is over when the actual selection of a president-elect is three weeks in the future, and we have some
actual evidence of the fraud we know happened. Hardly anyone(excepting szihn) realizes that a war will be coming, no matter how much you stamp your feet and hope it won’t. This nation is divided right down the middle, and all we are trying to decide right bow is which side will have the government on its side.

The left wants to kill the right so they can have their utopia without us mucking it up. The right is sick and tired of listening to petulant wastes of skin, and is quickly coming to the place where removing the problem entirely is in play. If Trump wins, the left will feel he stole it, If Biden is installed, the right knows he stole it. Both sides see the end of America as they know it if the other side gets control. What in all of that speaks against a civil war?

This nation is armed to the teeth, each side blaming a clearly delineated opponent for everything bad that happens, and the anger and hatred is increasing by the day. If this continues, a civil war is coming. Where the government lands will matter, at least initially. My hope is that either candidate who fills the office will see the train coming, and do what is needed to get us off the tracks. And I know how much hope has done for me in this life, so I plan for what happens if the hope doesn’t materialize. Y’all may want to do the same. Civil wars are not fought by people because they wanted it. They are fought by people who were dragged into it and fight for necessity, often for existence. People in denial, people who won’t or can’t fight, end up in big holes with a lot of others like them. Don’t be that guy.

To the commies, be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

Last edited by OldGrayWolf; 11/23/20.