Originally Posted by Ramdiesel

This is not about individual rights or the country changing naturally over time. This is a question of is our country a Republic or not? Does our votes count, or are we just a fricking Communist country where anybody's rights can be taken away at the drop of a hat...Is this a country now where crooked politicians and judges can just change laws on their own and not follow established laws because they decided on their own "Orange man is bad"? This crap is not going away, this goes to the foundation of what our country was built on, what thousands of our ancestors died for... If it is found out that their was widespread fraud that helped the Dems win this election, their had better be hell to pay for the people involved in stealing it...

I agree completely - exhaust all legal channels to try to prove the case. That said, if you can't prove it in front of either Democrat or Republican judges it might be time to move on. I'm much more interested in an election being fair than in who won.

As to the constitutionality (State constitution) of Pennsylvania's Act 77, it is an interesting question. It was passed by a Republican majority house 138-61 and unanimously in the State senate. Why it didn't include an amendment to the constitution is perplexing. Equally perplexing is why nobody challenged it a year ago when it was first passed. A final question to be asked is whether this is justification to disenfranchise three million voters. I suspect that if a court finds the act unconstitutional, the act will be rescinded, but the election will stand as there was ample time to challenge this before the election.