You can't answer? You don't know why you want to do It? You just want to talk about it? Fine. I just looked for a logical reason.

Had an acquaintance once that took an I-6 out of a Ford van & said he was going to put a 351 Cleveland in it. Just hearing stories about Ford conversions, I asked if he could do that. He informed me that he could mount a Hemi on a skate board.

I thought about that,,,,,, & agreed. But the posing question, the point of the whole thing was,,,, why? Just to prove you can do it? It's not good for anything other than to prove you have skills, "if" you do it. Or, just to talk silly chit about something that, so far, you've failed to define,,,, why?

The motorheads creed stands guess, you do it cause you can. It is America after all.