Originally Posted by MadMooner
I'm just glad he stopped posting about softball.

That schit was gay.

Originally Posted by gophergunner
Well, we're back from the eval. It was a great experience. They don't allow the parents to observe, so we had to leave. This is SOP on these things so we weren't surprised. They had a meeting prior to the evals with players and parents to go over what would happen, and how the girls were expected to conduct themselves. We came back to the gym with about 20 minutes left in the pitching session of the eval, and I was able to peek through the gym doors. She was dead on-the catcher was barely moving her glove from the target spot. Speed has never been an issue for Ellie-she throws very hard, but control at times has been elusive. That was not the case today. She was dead on and hitting all her spots.

I asked her if she threw her curve, as she's got this big breaking ball we call a "sky hook" that starts out coming right at the right handed batter's head and breaks down and away right at the plate. When she's hitting it, the batters are usually diving out of the box because they think it's going to hit them in the head, and then flailing at it as it crosses the rear outside corner of the plate about knee high. It's a devasting pitch when it works. When it doesn't it's little more than batting practice. She was asked to throw 5 curves in a row. She hit all 5, and everyone stopped what they were doing to watch her breaking ball do it's stuff. Usually if she hits it, there's a collective gasp from the crowd, as it has so much break on it. By the 5th pitch all the coaches were watching her intently. She nailed all 5, and was asked to throw 5 more. She said by the 8th one, the catcher was sucking wind from diving out to block the ball.

She came out of the eval smiling from ear to ear and was very satisfied with her work. Ellie is her own biggest critic, and if she comes out smiling, which doesn't happen very often, I know she did good.

Thanks again for all the kind comments guys. I will make sure to pas them on to my daughter.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.