Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I have been in a store, power was out, cash only, and the 19 year old clerk could not make change. When I was in school you wouldn't pass fourth grade if you could not subtract 7.38 from 10.00
Fourth grade.

Nobody knows how to properly figure change in
their head, or to count your change back to you
aloud. And they struggle to figure out the correct
coins to hand you out of the drawer.
They can't figure any of it out without looking at the
register display.
Few these days remember the time when the lady
checking you out would pick up each item with one
hand and move it down while punching the price
into the register with the other hand and not having
to look at the keys and everything would be correct
all the while the man would be sacking your goods
All before scanning, and they didn't miss a beat and
things moved along pretty much as fast or faster
than a modern cashier can scan and sack up
everything theirselves, including not having to
open up a paper grocery bag.
They were skilled