Walked into the parts department office one afternoon after eating lunch until time to start work again. Three other coworkers at their desks trying to figure out how many feet were in a mile and how many acres in a mile. One guy was about 35 years old with a degree in business and marketing from major university, another was in his middle 20s and in his second year at a local community college, the third guy also about 35 and graduated from high school, and I was the oldest at almost 60 at the time with just high school a high school diploma, too. After a few minutes of watching them throw out all sorts of figures and formulas, I piped in with, "there's 5,280 feet and 640 acres in a linear mile" They all three stopped and stared at me then asked how I knew that... I responded with, "we had to memorize weights and measures in elementary school back in the '50s"...