Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by killerv
I was talking with a 9th grade social studies teacher and she does a little "test" at the beginning of the school year to see where kids are at. She told me 1/3 of her class didn't know where the capital of the US was. We had those memorized by 2 or 3rd grade when growing up.

Teachers Union on full display.

As are the parents.

School has always , always been, a day care facility first and an education curriculum second ,

Parents sent their kids off to school so they could work, get drunk, f*ck the mailman, whatever, but they expected, rightfully so, that when the little snot nosed skulls full of mush came home they actually learned something.

The days of teaching and education our youth went down the schitter with Common Core and most important The Democrat Sponsored Teachers Union.

Maybe in some households. We spent hours per day drilling our grade school kids with flash cards, math problems, and reading. After school, vacation from school, and summer.

If a kid can read and do math, the rest is a piece of cake. If they can not, they will fail in every discipline.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.