Originally Posted by TheKid
My great grandad used to subscribe to a medical journal since he lived out a ways from town and thought it’d be a good idea to have a little knowledge in absence of a handy Dr.

Along about 1930 something this journal claimed that eggs were deadly bad stuff and shouldn’t be eaten regularly. So he gave up his 3 fried egg per morning breakfast habit until a decade or so later when the same periodical had a new study extolling the virtues of eggs an how perfect a food they were. He immediately started eating them again. Another 10-15 years goes by and once again the medicans are talking about the dangers of egg consumption. This time he didn’t fall for it and he continued to eat his 3 eggs per morning.

He used to love telling that story but sadly all those eggs caught up to him and killed him, he was only 98.


Definitely the eggs fault.

But on a serious note, lets consider another possibility. Often these studies look at only one aspect of a food. So a food can have both good and bad aspect at the same time. Additionally, may be affected differently. Also, you mentioned fried eggs. What if the eggs are not fried in grease, but poached?

So, eggs are bad for you....ok compared to what? You got to eat something. At some level everything is bad for you, even breathing. The process of respiration ages the body, but it's sure better than the alternative. I'm sure Slappy and Tarq will be along soon to tell everyone to stop breathing, or only do so if you are consuming pure oxygen through 16 masks.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell