Originally Posted by Tarquin
Couple of vids on the poison we're eating too much of. Apparently heart disease and cancer were rare till seed oils came along....

I agree to an extent.
Seed oils start oxidizing as soon as the seeds are crushed. Most of us don't eat enough raw fresh vegetables and berry fruits to keep up with the stress.
Heating the oils also changes them to harmful forms.
Otherwise, freshly consumed nuts are great nutritional concentrates for the most part. Hemp seeds too. They have a perfect balance of omega 3, 6, and 12s.
If you want the best, I suggest, grinding your hemp, flax, etc just before eating.

Coconuts are exceptionally stable after oil is separated

See Dr. Joel Wallach's books for the best sources on the subject IMHO.

Last edited by Happy_Camper; 03/07/21.