Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by NH K9

Is it not common (relatively speaking) where you are for some folks (particularly women) to continue to a lit gas station, etc? I don't believe I've ever reacted in that manner when it's happened

Not an apples to apples comparison I know but a few years ago on a family vacation in Maine I was pulled over on an extraordinarily busy 2-lane highway with very little to no shoulder. I turned into a parking lot in the interest of officer safety.

He got pretty upset with me. When he walked back to his car my eldest daughter, 19 at the time, said “daddy I’ve never heard ANYONE talk to you like THAT before!”

Fortunately keeping a cool head allowed me to drive off with only a warning. I have had interactions with arrogant cops before but that one really pissed me off... until he let me go then I was like oh whatever Barney we’re good.

At any rate seems good for everyone if driver pulls into a well lit area. On the other hand I’m not a cop and I understand I don’t think like one either.

NHK9 is one of the finest.

In the North East (particularly MA and NY) I think they have an unwritten rule for traffic stops...

Either you can hand out an ass chewing or you can write a ticket, but not both.

Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty