Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Umm actually the cold hard facts are he never slowed down, did not turn his hazards on, and drove a mile and half before deciding to stop. He never called 911....nothing.

So you're wrong.

Get butt hurt about it all you want, but if you do that anywhere and then refuse to comply with the lawful commands you're given.....you're going to jail.

You're an idiot, a complete idiot.

"Nazario, who is Black and Latino, conceded in his complaint that he didn't immediately pull over. He instead put on his emergency lights and continued for another 100 seconds, driving under the speed limit, so he could safely park in a well-lit gas station parking lot less than a mile down the road."

You 're also an idiot for suggesting he reach back into his truck to call 911.

You are an idiot, and a mentally deranged psycho yourself to attempt to justify any of this.

You can get butt hurt all you want from your brother officer getting his dumbazz in a jam, but the "facts" speak for them selves.

Says who? His attorney? Lol

I've said about 5 times it was handled poorly by all involved. But don't let facts get in your way.

You're an idiot. That is from a filed instrument in court. It's also called a lawsuit. You don't lie in a filed instrument, which can easily be verified, you idiot.

Oh you don't? YOU present YOUR SIDE dumbass. I'm sure nobody has ever asserted something falsely in court lol.....in a civil suit lol.

F ucking clown.