The cops should have told him it was a felony stop and why it was a felony stop before they went nuts. These 2 idiots probably would him shot him dead when he reached down to unbuckle his seatbelt. The more I watched the video the madder I got. Where you coming from? Where are you going? Is there any weapons in your vehicle? You mind if I open your trunk? Since when is a missing license plate a felony stop??? If they suspected the vehicle was stolen they should have asked the dispatcher. Somebody stole my license plate a few years ago and I didn't realize it for a few days. I'm glad I wasn't living in in Virginia or any of the other Socialist states when it happened. I can think of a lot of places around here where I'd have to drive 1 1/2 miles or more before there is a safe place to pull over. It may be policy to make somebody lay down on their stomach to be handcuffed but it's pure BS and very demeaning. YOU MUST COMPLY!