Originally Posted by kingston
Originally Posted by kingston
Can someone explain to me an official/procedural/legal reason the police officers presented two outcomes and forced the driver to choose? Not knowing such a reason makes it appear that they might be leveraging a CYA (cover your ass) maneuver.

This was a serious question.

This is my question too.

If I’m being told to keep my hands outside the car and being told to get out I’d be telling the officers I’d be happy to get out but I can’t do so w/o unbuckling my seat belt & open the door.

If their pistols are drawn and I’m holding my hands outside the vehicle they can yell all they want. Hands out is the only thing that’s keeping me from being shot.

Of course I’m also not gonna tell them I won’t cooperate, but ask for instructions that care to contradictory so I can comply.

Three morons right there.