Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by kingston
Originally Posted by kingston
Can someone explain to me an official/procedural/legal reason the police officers presented two outcomes and forced the driver to choose? Not knowing such a reason makes it appear that they might be leveraging a CYA (cover your ass) maneuver.

This was a serious question.

This is my question too.

If I’m being told to keep my hands outside the car and being told to get out I’d be telling the officers I’d be happy to get out but I can’t do so w/o unbuckling my seat belt & open the door.

If their pistols are drawn and I’m holding my hands outside the vehicle they can yell all they want. Hands out is the only thing that’s keeping me from being shot.

Of course I’m also not gonna tell them I won’t cooperate, but ask for instructions that care to contradictory so I can comply.

Three morons right there.

It's the result of well intended training that doesn't work. They were attempting to execute a felony vehicle stop on that vehicle. There are procedures that are taught that are very specific.

They usually go something like: "Put your hands outside the vehicle. Now, with your left hand only, your LEFT hand only, Put the vehicle in park. Turn off the ignition, and place the keys on the roof of the vehicle. Now, with your LEFT hand only, from the outside of the vehicle, open the door."

This is all usually done on the PA system in training.

The problem is, it doesn't work in real life. Or if it does, I've never seen it. But cops are taught to "revert to your training." Yeah that's great. The training they had 12 years ago? Sure thing.

Anyway, that gaggle fugk portion of the video you and kingston are inquiring about, are a direct result of that.

Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house