Originally Posted by slumlord
Couple of things

1. They are stuck in 1959 (“boy howdy, I made 50cents an hour at the lube rack and filling station when I dropped out in the 8th grade”)

2. They never had to wait on oxygen wasters like themselves that run a waitress around for 2 hours filling up a bottomless coffee cup

I see this at our local hardee’s (carl’s jr to you unchurched folks)

I go in there to catch a biscuit and cold drink and sit for a few minutes.

Table full of 80 years are in there every morning, could see them as I drove by the place on days I didnt go in. They never order thing to eat. They just get coffee, yuck it up, holler and make fools of themselves. One of them has this old Sea Hag wife that bring in some gallon size drum and fills it full of ice. Damn ice machine sounds like a slot machine for 5 minutes.

Just freeloaders

Aside, note: since covid, They are either croaked or are in hiding. Been right peaceful in there for my turn and burn visit.

Good f'in riddance.

If I am served a meal by a cheerful waitperson with a good attitude who gets me my food the way I ordered it, I just can't leave < $5. $5 is the bottom. Doesn't matter if the meal was $6.99. Plus, I worked in restaurants when I was a kid. So, I know the drill.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member