a not so short example of the cheapest POS i know

this guy is in his late 60's. was a twp cop for 10 years or so and then got a "bad back" and went on lifetime disability and sued the twp for several hundred grand and got it and bragged about it. inherited a nice piece of property with gas rights and gets 3k a month according to his own mouth. built a very nice house on it. wife was a school teacher, which around here pays very well with unreal benefits and retirement package. this POS is also an army veteran and member of my legion. he is on the honor guard but that is all he does. no work parties, nothing. we have a yearly veterans luncheon where we invite all the local vets to a really nice free home cooked meal that me and my buddy cook. roast beef, etc with all the trimmings. we also buy a $20 gift card from walmart and give them to all the vets who attend. the only thing we ask is that they sign up for it ahead of time so we can have enough food and cards and also a certificate from our local politician thanking them for their service. if they are legion members and have a significant anniversary like 25, 40, 50, etc, we get a nice plaque and a $50 gift card. any unused gift cards get used for the next years luncheon or a few other things we do like buy christmas giffts for visits to the VA home, etc. most of these guys who attend are just local blue collar guys who are not loaded by any means. some are really old and have very little money and we actually take a van around and pick them up if they need it. so its a nice thing we do for our fellow vets and are glad to do it. we all have a good time. i personally am "qualified" to receive a card but i never take one.

so anyway, this cheap POS did not sign up for a luncheon a couple of years ago but showed up. no big deal, we always have extra food. he shows up in his 50k grand cherokee and proceeds to eat like a pig and drink free beer all afternoon. when we get to the end and hand out the cards, etc, we call out the names and branch of service and a youngster goes through the crowd and hands them out. we get done handing out the cards and this cheap POS did not get one because he had not signed up. he raises his hand and wants his card. the commander says, "mike you didn't sign up". POS mike acts like he just got screwed and so the commander hands him an extra card, which he pockets, knowing full well we donate them to really needy folks.

that is a cheapskate, no good piece of schit koksucker.

Last edited by rem141r; 05/09/21.

My diploma is a DD214