Originally Posted by Steve Redgwell
Of course, but as you and others don't seem to grasp, both countries take the advice of credentialed individuals, not witch doctors, haters and unqualified people like Tucker Carlson. laugh

Based on what the advisory staff are telling both governments, it should be moving back to normal now that enough people have been vaccinated. 30 days or less. You really have to take up meditation and learn to let the universe unfold like it should. Barring another outbreak, look to the end of this month.

Something is seriously wrong with you. What does Tucker have to do with the border?? Never mind I know the answer...nothing. If you are talking about his 'guests' well thats another story. The last two doctors he had on just happen to be some of the best in their field, so instead of acting like a moron you could maybe add something coherent?? Maybe just once ?? You can disagree with them if you want, you have that right, but show some evidence for your thoughts. You ramble on about everything and never provide any support for your arguments.

Fortunately the truth is coming out much faster than anyone expected. It's now being looked at and taken seriously by some in the MSM. When the dam breaks people will demand answers and heads will roll. Just the ivermectin deal alone cost thousands of lives. Instead of blathering on about what a kook I am, show some evidence that Im wrong on that. You cant. Another entirely different group of world class scientists just released a study of their own that once again shows that ivermectin could have saved tens of thousands. Why are these "advisors' you tout not talking about that?? Why to this day are doctors across the country being told if they use it they will get fired?? Did you know that farm stores right across Canada cant keep ivermectin on the shelves ?? Yes people are self medicating. Its gone that far. They are getting better too.

Why is your own government now mixing vaccines ?? Or waiting months between doses?? Is that science based?? Anyone with an IQ above 5 knows the answer to that. Those are just a few questions you should be asking.