Good morning to you sir, I hope it's a tad less smoky in your part of the province and all in your world are well.

Where does one begin when it comes to either media or polls, you know? I've said this many times now on a few social media platforms, but I do not know anyone who responds to any polling whatsoever. I quit years ago myself.

When I think about it, it was likely about the time I decided that neither the polling results or the media in general were reporting anything remotely resembling fact.

Even this local fire is proof of that - the media has decided that it must keep the people in a fearful tizzy it seems.

Actually greydog, that's a big part of the problem in my view too, is that fear mongering has reached such a level that some people now have lost whatever was left of their ability to critically reason through most topics. That could well be the worst effect of the beer flu - in my view.

We're of course a tourist destination here in our part of BC and frankly we've been screwed. I'm not sure any longer how long it will take to come back if ever and you know I hate to be that negative. There are so many small businesses that have not and will not make it out the other side I've stopped counting.

Surely the government sending a lot of people more money every 2 weeks to sit at home than they've ever made before didn't help that one bit either - in my view.

To our 'Fire friend Vek, I would say that the folks in small tourist related industries will welcome you with open arms, as will anyone with the ability to do simple math.

The ones who won't are the folks who have been convinced that money appears magically from thin air, that debts incurred do not ever have to be paid, that interest rates never fluctuate and that "the government" will be able to take care of them and keep them safe forever, in the same way it kept them alive during this "horrible deadly plague".

Again to one and all, I apologize for being negative, but once again being married to an accountant for nearly 39 years and managing several small independent businesses "by the numbers" over my working life, I absolutely know for a fact much of what is taking place is financially unsustainable to put it mildly.

We're incurring a yoke of debt that will cripple our own retirements and be an incredible burden on our children and grand children.

My hope by posting my opinion is that folks will begin to think about what we here in BC lost - as in $8.3 Billion in direct revenue for starters - and just exactly how we plan to get back on track financially. We now owe "someone" an incredibly staggering amount of money, you know?

All the best to you all greydog, stay cool and lets hope for favorable winds and perhaps some rain.


Last edited by BC30cal; 07/16/21.

The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"