Originally Posted by jaguartx
Are there written instructions in book form that one may read which has this correct info and if so where is it?
Originally Posted by K22
There are many, along with your 6th chakra..........the third eye. Get yourself a Ferrar Fenton Bible for starters and a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Then there is the 1611 Geneva Bible, the Book of Enoch, the Book Jasher, The book of Jubilee's, The Book of War, Star Wars - the War between the 5 Pointed Star and the 6 Pointed Star, and on and on and on. There are also the Books of Mythology including Hebrew Mythology. It is so much easier today than it was years ago when I was researching. You have the Internet with all of the sources.
I realize that I see things differently than a lotta others. The men and women who actually knew Jesus personally and chose to follow Him...people like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, James, Andrew, Mary, Martha, and Paul...the men and women whose faith laid the groundwork for the evangelization of the entire world, not only did so without a Strong’s Concordance...or any of the other sources listed above...they did so without the Bible itself. And they received salvation...without even having the Bible itself...as did many, many followers of Jesus who came after them.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.