Originally Posted by Hotrod_Lincoln
After a bunch of BLM/Antifa types got run ouut of Huntsville Alabama by the local cops, they threatened to move out into the suburbs. Within an hour of the threat being posted online, Ardmore Alabama/Tennessee 20 miles north of Huntsville had armed guards at every business in town, and there were pickup trucks full of well armed rednecks petrolling the streets. When a few of the scumbags finally showed up, hours later, they spent a few minutes staring at the business end of a hundred or so firearms and decided maybe being there was a bad idea. I was stationed in front of my daughter's restaurant, along with a few other veterans, waiting for the first firebomb to be lit. Every other small town in the area reacted exactly the same way.

And the antifa members went on untouched unharmed.

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.