Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
I don't think anything is going to happen unless it's forced too.

Any conflicts will be framed as white supremacists attacking and killing peaceful demonstrators.

We don't have a chance in the propaganda campaign.

The powers that be NEED us to react as rashly as most here have said they would.

It will be a perfect time to try out the Red Flag laws.

This is a trap.

Are you advocating for letting violent extremists come to town and burn it down because defending your home might generate bad press?

That seems defeatist.

I’m not reading JC’s post in the same way you have...

His point is more in line with reality, IMO. While ‘Red Flag Laws’ may prove to be unconstitutional. At the moment they may, potentially, have some teeth to bite a person hard.

We already know that the Fed’s are watching this forum, reading into it intentions that they may think deserve a closer look ~ maybe a filing for a ‘Red Flag’ after a in person visitation to a guys house for a history of postings ramblings of shooting people.

Personally, I’m operating the same as always. If me, or a loved one is in danger of death or seriously injury. I will do whatever I have to, to end that threat.

I wouldn’t want to be so cavalier, more likely stupid, to trespass upon Jim’s place with bad intentions and think I’m gonna walk out breathing.

Just an opinion.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”