Originally Posted by martinstrummer
Watched an MMA fight one night.

One was a self admitted thug off the street that got into MMA to rescue himself.
The other guy was USMC and about 2 inches taller.

Street thug had USMC tapping out halfway through the 1st round!

Never underestimate just how tough an opponent may/can be.


People just don't read Sun Tzu anymore.

And on the urban vs rural thing, I get to thinking how different the rural areas are than they were twenty years ago. Rural areas are littered with diabetes, heart disease, welfare, and drug use. Many of the young men are substance abusers and the middle age men are in no shape to fight. Welfare and disability are just as present in small town America as it is the big city. Men aren't organized or ready for a fight anymore than the soy boys and their vicious Amazon women they are beholden to.

Don't underestimate your enemy. Train to be able to kill yesterday's you.