Making consistent 400 yard shot hits was unheard of 40 years ago.

Only thing Ive observed is not many practice off hand shot or snap shooting ( like jumping a bedded buck or bull) and miss many shot opportunities while hunting now because obsessed with 1000 yard prone bi pod shooting. Making a standing 100 to 200 yards shot in under 5 seconds not to easy to do or snap shooting consistently 30 to say 80 yards on a moving target

Originally Posted by Sheister
Originally Posted by Sharpsman
ability are so lousy today that all hunters have to tote a tripod with vise to support the rifle!! Nothing like having commercialism to kill the ability to learn effective field shooting procedure by employing one more gimmick!!

Your statement just doesn't hold water under scrutiny. I've hunted with lots of old guys and most of them couldn't hit the broadside of a barn if they were inside the barn from field positions or offhand- especially offhand. I applaud anyone who takes measures to make more accurate shots close or far and practices with same.
I've been using Harris bipods on my rifles for a great many years now and never leave camp any more without one on my rifle and I encourage everyone in my camp to have one handy at the minimum in their pack. I also used to think the bipod would throw off my offhand shooting but the elk I shot a year and a half ago from 125 yards didn't seem to mind and my aim was just as steady as it ever was IMO....

Sometimes I think it has become fashionable to rag on millenials for every little slight when actually they shoot as much as old guys do often. Every time I'm out at a range in the woods it is the millenials who are out shooting. Even if it is with AKs and ARs they are out there getting in the practice and burning up ammo. Lots of dads with their kids out shooting too these days. Instead of ragging on these folks how about encouraging them whenever you can...