Originally Posted by Exchipy
This is an altered Bulldog (barks falsetto?) .44, made using a discarded S&W 696 barrel cut down and fitted. Then, a bit of re-contouring of the frame top strap. The original barrel had absolutely the second worst bore I’d ever seen on a new revolver. The worst had been a NAA .22 mini revolver, on which the barrel had been bead blasted both inside and out (musta seemed like a good idea to somebody). Anyway, this guy now has probably the finest bore you’re likely to ever find on a C.A. revolver:

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

But, the question I can’t really seem to satisfactorily answer is,
So what?
That's pretty cool. I can see from your collection that you are someone who likes to have extensive work done to his handguns.