First - call a pitbull lawyer to protect wife and I with all the legal stuff associated with winning such a sizeable sum.

Second - call a financial dude (or dudette) to set us up to have unfettered access to said sum and invest what is left to grow and grow.

Third thing to do (no need to call anyone on this) - TURN OFF THE DAMN PHONE !!! (Maybe go sat-phone?)

Fourth (a) - find a mountain to buy, build a compound on the top of it and a 12 ft hi-tension electric fence ALL the way around property.
(b) - inform close family and friends they will want for nothing (within reason) for a long, long time (or until they piss me off).
(c) - decide which worthy charities to gift monies to.

Hire ample armed security 24/7/365 for the compound for the duration.

Beyond that - "wing it" for the first couple years or so.

I've all the toys I need/want but my bride might want a few.

Someday I hope to be the person my dogs think I am . . .
The only true cost of having a dog is its death.
Someone once said "a nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
Shiloh Sharps . . . there is no substitute.
NRA Endowment Member