Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by hillestadj
Not tell anybody until all provisions and contingencies were in place.

Let the day job know they can kiss both sides of my ass.
Let Mom and Dad know they're set for life - you'll see X amount deposited in your account each month, spend or save how you see fit.
Same for wife's folks.

BIL/SIL get a generous one time sum - not enough to be done working, but enough to get WAY ahead if they're smart about it.

Other family, close or distant "You should hear it from me, you get nothing for nothing. Don't make it weird for both of us by asking. If this upsets you speak up, you can be culled from the Christmas card list post haste if thats how you want it to be".

Friends would be having some fun weekends on me.

Buy a large parcel of land, build a modest (by billionaire standards) home - huge pole shed. Let the rest work for me and set it up in trust for my son and any future kids.


“Don’t make it weird for both of us by asking”.....I think you meant ‘Begging’

