Originally Posted by Certifiable
It’s fairly well buried by now but if you wanted to revisit the 10 shot challenge from a while back you’ll see some shaw barreled Stag rifles shot very well.

Mine was one of them and I don’t claim to be able to wring all the accuracy out of an AR

Cert, did all the Stag's have shaw barrels? I bought one based on some of you guys' recommendations on accurate AR's. The heavy barreled Stag I bought was very accurate. It was a Stag 6 I believe. I sold it for a few reasons. Some of which I found out were substantial after using it for a while Like MM used to day, it was like a truck axle (being a heavy 24" tube), my lighter weight Windham weaponry shot just as well, and the Stag was a left hander. All of which I realized I did not need.

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.