Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Just curious, but why do we measure groups with 3 or 5 shots for regular hunting rifles and 10 shots for ARs?

Is it because when society collapses and I'm finally able to bug out the gangs of roving n'er-do-wells will try to steal my peanut butter so I need a barrel capable of holding accuracy as the action heats up to the point that I'm grabbing "field pick up mags" off of my fallen foes? Cuz that's the only reason I've ever been given, and it's pretty absurd for 99% of AR owners.

Because one you start pulling the trigger on an AR, you don't want to stop, and an AR doesn't cost 2 bucks a round like some factory hunting ammo.

There is that.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling