Originally Posted by JoeBob
Millennials were indoctrinated by the system set up by Boomers and they are feeling like they’ve been dealt an unfair hand. I’m not optimistic.

I went to work at the manufacturing plant I mentioned in 1998 facing the same job prospects that Millennials had at that time. In fact, the majority of the workforce at that place were Millennials and GenX. It was pretty much a young man's job.

It's a fairly rough way to make a living. But some Millennials were willing to do what it took. They never had any problem keeping people back when I worked there. Today the pay is much better and they're constantly looking for people to keep the place fully staffed.

Are the opportunities as good as they were 45 years ago? No. They're not. But there's still ways for a young man to make his way if he's willing to relocate to where the jobs are and to make the sacrifices that the jobs require.

I did it at age 42 simply because it was what I had to do to keep from living on the street.

Mom's basement wasn't an option for a 42 year old man with three kids.