Originally Posted by Dutch
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Good lord, no that is the point. The point is not about elite college, the point is that even elite colleges used to be affordable. Now they aren’t purely because of choices made by politicians.

And, used to be, you could go out west, stake some posts in the ground and you’d have all the land to farm or ranch you could handle! FREE!

Used to be, you could go to Alaska, start digging and pull gold out of the ground and be wealthy!

Used to be, you could buy a nice, middle class home in the suburbs for a year’s wages, or less.

You are fixed on the access and costs of elite” colleges. Just go find your safe place and get some group therapy, the rest of us will raise our kids to succeed without going to “elite” colleges.

Oh, which reminds me, my daughter graduated from a program ranked #5 IN THE WORLD, and she’s pretty white. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Great for your daughter. I’m sure she is fine, but how old she now? And what does she do?

Once again, it isn’t about success or lack thereof. There are still plenty of avenues for that wherever you are in the world. It’s that the country is going to schit and most of that going to schit was before they were old enough to have any influence.

Not one damned thing these kids did, had anything to do with the fact that they got an activist instead of a teacher. Not one thing they ever did, turned suburb into a schithole full of illegals. And the point is not that they shouldn’t still be trying to succeed, it’s that boomers take absolutely no responsibility for leaving their kids a schithole full of foreigners and debt instead of the country they were bequeathed.