Originally Posted by Jcubed
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Okay, boomer. Once again you miss the point. The point is that boomers could go to an elite university and pay for it by working their way through if they chose to do so.

Oh bullshit. How many people of *any* generation have *really* had the opportunity to attend an elite University.

Used to be anyone who studied hard, did well on tests, didn't get arrested etc...

Politics changes that.

Yeah, that’s another thing. My child as a white female from an affluent background has an absolutely ZERO chance of going to an Ivy League school. She isn’t a legacy, so that’s out. And regardless of how well she does on tests, minority candidates with worse grades and scores will get in over her. Increasingly, this is true for things like medical school as well.

She did nothing to make this world. None of that is her fault. Doesn’t mean she won’t do well in life, but she is responsible for none of the things wrong in the world that we bitch about on this board and elsewhere.