Originally Posted by geedubya
Originally Posted by Blackheart
In case you hadn't noticed more and more states are outlawing "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines" almost weekly now..

I do not know if your assertion is correct, and you provide no data or cites to prove your assertion. Perhaps in New York and other progressive bastions, but IIRC +/-27 states have veto proof majorities that are Republican controlled. I would not believe that those states were banning MSR's, (Modern Sporting Rifles).


I do believe only 10 states have banned MSR's


Whatcha' bet all are controlled by democrats/progs/marxist-socialists.

Chances are, we in Texas will continue to be able to choose

just about any type of weapon,

unrestricted choice of calibers/chamberings

that can be legally used, and openly carried, on public and especially private land


I like that.


I believe Washington, Oregon and Illinois have recently banned assault weapons and it certainly has been pushed on a Federal Level recently. I recall there was a Federal assault weapons ban passed in 1994. It will likely happen again one day and I think it unlikely it would be allowed to sunset again. If the courts don't rule it unconstitutional it would stand and so far the courts haven't done diddly to overturn it here, despite several attempts. Face it, communists and communism are taking over the Country and it's only a matter of time..