Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
One thing to consider.....is that children are not entitled to shìt.
True, but I cannot think of anyone I would rather help out than my 3 children and our 5 grandchildren. As long as they are living responsibly.

We aren't wealthy but are completely debt free and have enough income for our lifestyle which doesn't include island resorts, jewelry, or casinos. We do travel, mostly to the western U.S.
Originally Posted by Bob_mt
Originally Posted by antlers
I agree with Hastings (kill me now) and dale06. My kids (who are all adults) are my motivation for pretty much everything I do nowadays. When I check out, I want to be able to leave them with as much (assets) as I possibly can.

and I think that is great......keep in mind some kids want their parents to live a full life and do want they want.....bob
We do exactly all we want except we don't have servants. Our interests are traveling, our friends, our cows and timber however humble, and most of all the kids and grand kids.

I wouldn't pay a nickel to shoot an elephant but if that floats your boat, go ahead. If I thought Africa was safe for a white woman my wife and I would go for a photo safari, but I have an elderly widow cousin that lives in South Africa and she tells me Zimbabwe would be safer.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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