Need to talk to your elder care attorney of choice about your entire retirement plan. Every state has their own rules, and protection of a dwelling (a place to live) for the community spouse has to be considered. Or a planned option. I have seen some options with better results for folks outside the RM contract. Anyone can find themselves in a Medicaid application situation, each case is different. Spend down while protecting a spouse requires planning. Being able to afford the type of care necessary after a medical event can leave the other spouse quite unprotected and things have to be done correctly asap.
Medicaid will get involved in a RM settlement/sale if either party is an applicant. It is a pain in the backside. Firsthand experience.
If an RM is being considered due to a monthly financial need, Medicaid is in the very near future if long term care becomes a requirement.

We all may face that day if we live long enough. Get prepared!