Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
If you want to leave stuff for your kids...more power to you.

You are a damn fool if you think it's a painless process for the kids.

But then hey..your ass is gone and you don't have to see what inheritance can do to a family.

I just don't agree with basing your decisions on living and life on how much your kids might get out of your estate.

Maybe it's different for you guys with town jobs or something...I guess money and things is the "legacy".

So your parents "hold paper"(retain ownership) on the farm, and you pay them monthly. Got it. Yup, you've never been helped by your parents in life, you're a MAGA self made man lol...

“Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away” Antoine de Saint-Exupery