Originally Posted by Hastings
When you get right down to it the voters and their representatives from about 1900 through the 1940s are the ones that ruined the country financially and got the debt to rolling. We haven't paid the interest on WW1 which was financed by the Federal Reserve, a private banking corporation. They financed the 'Roaring Twenties' stock market bubble and then pulled the rug out from under the U.S. They made off with all the ownership of government and privately owned gold. To finish us up they steered the U.S. into WW2 which just as is the case with WW1 we have never paid even the interest on.

When in the early 1960s a U.S. president mentioned opening up the Federal Reserve to an audit he ended up shot by a sniper. His successor LBJ went whole hog on the military adventure of Vietnam all on Federal reserve credit and ever since the credit card just keeps getting rolled over and politicians of all parties just raise the debt to the point the situation is hopeless and will never be paid.

Anyway the situation was way out of hand and unsolvable by 1967 when the first "boomers" came up to bat. They can be blamed for the current state of affairs in that they did nothing to stop what the Greatest generations got going over 100 years ago. But the country was already in a stranglehold by the time the boomers came of age. To the boomers credit they forced the government to quit the Vietnam war, but none of us were willing to eat beans, stay home and do whatever it took to get the federal reserve out of our lives.

They gave us a credit card and the greatest generation, the boomers, and all subsequent have happily used our line of credit.

Don't blame me. I voted for Goldwater.

I am MAGA.