Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Dons99
First of all I didn't make the rules and second of all they have had my money for up to 50 years, that's plenty of time for their investments to cover my retirement checks. Not to mention what about the poor bastards that paid in and died before they could start collecting or shortly there after.
There is a serious flaw in your argument. They have not had your money for 50 years. That money was paid out to the previous generation (your parents). The money wasn't invested for the most part, it was paid out as per the original plan where each succeeding generation pays the elderly.

The biggest flaws in the system was that it didn't take into account the big jump in life expectancy, or the fact that the boomers (that's me) would not have near enough children to keep the system going. Another huge issue is that almost all municipal, county, and state employees are not paying in, nor are the railroad employees. And when a persons income goes over a certain level the rest is not subject to a SS tax.
And I personally know millionaires that collect maximum payments. There is no means test.

That's what the article I read talked about.

Specious at best. I see this all the time. Most folks that argue on these threads don't have a clue hpw the system works, but that doesn't stop the arguments! Understanding SS Trust Funds

You can no more tell someone how to do something you've never done, than you can come back from somewhere you've never been...