Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by BOBBALEE
That's the reasoning I've gotten in conversations about welfare in communities where it is a career. And it's across generations. It was more prevalent in one racial segment, but the last 35 years in my observation it has become more widespread. Working the system seems to be a career path in some quarters.
Look close you'll see Jims kids have been getting subsidies, so he is teaching them how to play the system too. Generational welfare is generational welfare, whether it's ghetto or corporate or FARMER welfare makes little difference, it still boils down to people who didn't earn money putting their hands out and taking it from people who did. I see people bitch on here CONSTANTLY, LIKE EVERY FUUCKIN DAY CONSTANTLY about welfare bums. I see them give a rash of shyt to boomers for getting their SS payments, I've watched this fuuckin welfare bum Jim Conrad calling seniors irrelevant and giving boomers a rash of shyt for fuucking YEARS when here's the fuucking proof he's been taking money from them and living a better life because of it all along. No wonder he drinks like a fish, every person in his family has their own dirt bike and he buys new guns and ammo by the case for his kids all the time. It ain't hius money he's spending. Might as well blow it on booze and toys.

What a miserable old queen you are.

I'll start sending you rent checks shortly.
Sometimes the truth hurts you fat, miserable bitch. But there it is.