Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Dre
Not really.
I do think something else is out there. What it is I don't know. If every other religion is the right one, than non are right.
I've raised my kids with telling them both sides of the story. Evolution vs god.
If they choose to believe ln god than that's ok. I wanted them to make up their own mind as adults and not be influenced by me when it comes to that.
When you think about many wars, and senseless killing we as humans have done in name of someone's religion or god. That should make you question some things

I never really wanted mine to be left to make up his own mind about drugs, drinking and driving or playing in tha street.

Do you read what I wrote or did you not comprehend ?

All of them do something better than the 30-06, but none of them do everything as well.