Ya, but have you seen the prices for some of the high end quail plantations??? Holly $%#$ they can be expensive. And the wild quail are hard to find. They still exist, but its tough to get the farmers to let you hunt their land unless you know them....

The interesting thing about the dogs on a few of the plantations Ive seen is that they aren't really all that impressive. I believe many of them are dogs that were sold to plantations because they couldn't make it as field trail dogs. You see some decent dogs, but with the amount of birds shot over some of them they should be amazing, but a lot of the times they aren't. Yet some of the handlers seem to think their dogs are great just because the amount of birds shot over them. A good friend of mine had a Brit from one of his own litters. He was hoping he would turn into an AA dog but it just wasn't going to happen. He was a good dog but he just didn't run big enough. That dog got sold to a plantation and the guys loved it. I think that kind of thing happens a lot with quail plantations...