Last deer I killed with a 30/30 was 1982 - Remington 788. The deer ran the farthest of any I've ever shot. No blood, hair or tissue for for about 100 yds. or so. I figured I simply missed it and returned to my stand and continued to hunt.

As we were leaving I searched one more time and found a few drops of blood several yds beyond where I had previously stopped searching. Across a fence and about another 30-40 yds beyond, found the deer laying head down hill on a small knoll in a uncut soybean field.

Even with the heart, a lung, and liver being penetrated, apparently, my bullet failed to expand. Entrance/exit holes (L/shoulder-RT/rear rib cage) were both the same .30 cal. size. The bullet was a Silver Tip but don't recall now whether a 150 or 170 gr. Body cavity was absolutely full of blood.