Caliber wars are a waste of time. So is all the misinformation in this thread. What is most important is YOUR ability with YOUR handgun. Can't hit a broad side of a barn with a .45 - then it's not the gun for you. Same with the 9mm, .357, .40 Cal, 357 Sig, .......

Fact of the matter is that the FiveseveN can and does the job necessary if used properly. Same for the .45 Cal.

Use what works for you and leave it at that. A good shot with a puny .22 Short is better than a missed shot with a .50 BMG.

FOR THE RECORD: I own lots of handguns and yes the FiveseveN is one of them. I load for lots of handguns/rifles and yes the FiveseveN, PS90 SBR, and PS90 are three of them. You can't compare dumbed down 5.7 ammo (as required by the ATF because of it's penetration potential - if you don't believe me just compare SS195LF white box to the current blue box stuff) to optimum loaded .45 Cal ammo vs. Elite stuff. Apples and oranges and bananas. Both of these guns have their uses and both have good and bad points. Bottom line: Use what works for you because one good shot placed is better than 5 missed shots anyday, anytime, in any occurance.