What i see is an established member of this site who put some unverified internet rumors to paper as if they were fact, and who was later made to look VERY uniformed.

The fact is, that in the Fort Hood incident, the Five SeveN armed terrorist stopped 4 attackers at close range- instantly.

2 soldiers who attacked him with chairs/table, an orderly that tried to rush him, and officer Munley, whose femur was utterly shattered from a single hit to the knee- which knocked her out of the fight immediately. So when put to the test, the FsN went 4 for 4 on "instant stops" in a real world terrorist incident.

I have personally shot "anemic" SS192 FN ammo (the fort hood attackers round of choice) through 48 layers of Kevlar. Elite S4M takes the same round, and cranks the velocity up another 400+ fps.

The Elite S4M has been independently chronoe'd at over 2500fps from the FsN PISTOL, and has been independently tested by Brassfetcher labs.

In their summary, Brassfetcher stated OUTRIGHT that Elite S4M is slightly more capable than .45 ACP Hydroshok JHP ammunition.

Brassfetcher are true industry experts...and they have spoken.

Get with the times people.

Last edited by Valorius; 12/19/11.

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