Originally Posted by logcutter
I'm going to be brave here and ask how anyone that had "Chronic Hives" for over six months did to correct it?I first thought it was Plavix but it isn't after dropping it.

I have been to the doc three times in one week with the only answer that worked,Prednisone..Screw that, but I did try it and it worked for a few days.

Any idea's or experiences similar?


You gotta figure out what you are allergic to, itchy legs or body can be laundry detergent or fabric softener, general hives something you are eating like peanut butter, shellfish, bread, wheat, all kinds of things.

They can be tough to figure out then when you do it makes sense.

Start with a very simple diet that has just a few things on it, don't eat anything else for a week or so and see if it makes a difference. Try to eliminate the big offenders like wheat and corn syrup things, eat rice cereals with almond milk on them. Do some online research on elimination diets.

Last edited by 243WSSM; 03/16/12.

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