Originally Posted by BarryC

Traditional allergy shots are a hoax and only "treat" what you've been tested for.

That's a very narrow view of it, BarryC. I've had a lot of experience with allergy desensitization thereapy, both personal and professional. The research evidence is very, very solid on this. I have had hundreds of patients whose allergies were eliminated by this therapy. Your unfortunate experience is the exception rather than the rule.

I'm glad SRT has worked for you, my friend. I did not mean to impugn SRT as a therapeutic modality, as I obviously haven't evaluated it... it fits a "type" of therapy, though, that as I said, tends to be quackery 90% of the time. I have edited my earlier post to clarify on this: I am skeptical about alternatives, but before I reject them, I look at them carefully. I intend to look into SRT to see if it might benefit my patients. Again, if I gave offense, I apologize.

NONETHELESS, I must say this: I have a nephew who is, as you put it, "alllergic to life". He's 19. I am going to email the link you posted to his mother, and see if they can find some relief for him through this. Lord knows they've tried everything else. So thanks for posting the link.

As I said before, I had no knowledge of SRT before you posted the link, and I have encouraged my patients to seek alternative therapies when all the mainstream medical therapies failed. Some have worked, as I said. IF an alternative therapy works for ONE patient, I am happy for that patient, but it doesn't mean I'll recommend it to others.

In any event, I am resonding to logcutter, whose symptoms are reportedly of recent duration and fairly high severity. Serious acute illness as a cause for these symptoms must be ruled out before alternative therapies for symptom relief should be explored.

Last edited by DocRocket; 03/17/12. Reason: apology

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars