My wife has had several lengthy bouts with hives.. It is very serious .. Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria .. is a fancy name for .."you have a severe case of hives, we don't know how you got them and not certain how to get you relief".. Her reaction is very severe.. huge bumps over her entire body. I would hold my hand over them and I could feel the heat !

She has to see an allergist and typically has to resort to prednisone, Zyrtec and Benadryl.. It typically takes several
combinations of meds to get them under control. Be persistent trying to get the Dr's to help you. Our experience has taught us that the "don't eat this, or stay away from certain soaps, or ??? " is simply a waste of time while you are suffering...

I hope yours are not as bad, and you find an allergist committed to getting you relief ASAP..

Best to all those suffering from such a dreadful problem..