Originally Posted by Sainte_Terrer
Originally Posted by 243WSSM
Originally Posted by Sainte_Terrer
I started getting them last August. A foot/hand/toe/etc would swell up and I would break out all over. I went to the ER and they said it was allergies. They prescribed (I believe) Prednisone and something else. Mine seem to also be related to heat or excitement. If I get too wound up over something I can count on breaking out all over...

It really sucks! I hope it is not as bad this summer as it was last summer!

LMAO you need to chill out and leave politics to those that can understand what's up ...

Hard to do when you are a graduate student in Political Science...lol

That's pretty funny. grin

The major difference between belief and fact is those who believe something have come to a conclusion no facts will contradict. Well informed people are open to new facts that oppose their beliefs. That also defines an open and closed mind.