
I'll feign my GREAT "surprise",that your one and ONLY fhuqking move was to scoop up your Imagination and Pretend...then run home crying. Congratulations?!?

I cited CLEARLY,that I'd not suffer your Hack Job bullschit on a fhuqking dare and you much flatter yourself,to think that you'd "deny" me same. Now THAT is fhuqking funny!

No need to corroborate,that you could ONLY peddle that schit to THE Dumbest Of Fhuqks. You'll haveta' pardon my laughing at your feeble "efforts",as you obliviously quantify your sheer and utter CLUELESSNESS.

Bless your heart.



Hardly a "feat",to have a McMillan headed my way in a day.



I'll feign my "surprise",that you have more pictures of me and my wares in the Outdoors...than you do "your's". Congratulations?!?

At least Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can "afford" to "contribute". Few things as "compelling",as a Couchbound Heel Nipping Kchunt,doing her best and trying to "talk" The Outdoors. Laughing!

Splendid Beasties HATE "colors".

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Looking forward to more of your plagiarizin',as you set on your couchbound kchunt and keep trying to convince yourself that you "could too". Don't "forget",that ONLY McMillan rates a Jolly Roger and that you'd require a co-signer to procure in the quantity requisite. Hint.

Bless your heart.



Do NOT slight how "real" Imagination and Pretend are to The Do NOTHING Gang,along with the sweet "satisfactions" of plagiarizin' pics,as a Trump Card to quantify their Dumbfhuqktitude.



The WHOLE Enchilada is an EPIC Goat Fhuqk and that is of course my being rather gracious.

I've seen a stock before.....................(grin)


Don't be soooooooooo hard on WhoreEyesOn...she's a douchenozzle assuredly,but in fairness she really is doing her BEST.

'Course,that's why it is sooooooooooo fhuqking funny.



Tough to crack the market with a POS,no matter the fhuqking price.

The Texas version of EVERYTHING,is fhuqking Hilarious!................


Do not go slightin' the magnitude of satisfaction that Superkchunt enjoys,by tryin' to associate herself with me.

She's stuck bein' herself and it's the ONLY move the poor poor(literally) do nothing Kchunt has "got".

Nice to see her heart is in it.



It's a series of hilarious fhuqking ruses,that a 3yr old would see through...assumin' they weren't Texan.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."